Do You Have to Recalibrate Blue Ox Patriot 3 Every Time You Remove It

Best Towed Vehicle Braking Systems for 2022

(Camp Addict does NOT accept payment from any company to review or endorse their products.)

Helicopter being towed by a motorhome

Dis just funny- someone is bringing ALL of the toys!!

Bringing along an extra vehicle on your camping trip can be super convenient.

It can also be a lifesaver.

Having to drive your giant motorhome everywhere and break camp is no fun.

Everything has to be put away, you have to breakdown camp, and possibly even leave stuff there to save your spot.


If you DO decide to tow a vehicle behind your motorhome, you have to do it right.

This means having a supplemental braking system for the towed vehicle.

You will also need a tow bar to connect your toad to your motorhome.

In this guide, we are going to teach you all you need to know about different types of supplemental braking systems.

You'll learn how they work and why they are likely required in your state.

Deeper below, we review braking systmes to let you know which ones we would suggest would be best for your setup.

Time to dig in!

Already know all about this subject? Just looking for the reviews? Click the button below to jump down to the product reviews.

Tow Vehicle Braking System Guide

Benefits Of A Dinghy Braking System

Guess what? According to Brake Buddy, most states require any trailer or towable weighing over 3,000 pounds to have a supplemental braking system.

Yes, laws vary in different states.

For the most part, if you are towing another vehicle behind your RV (usually a motorhome), the towed vehicle must have a supplemental braking system.

Motorhome Rollover Accident

This accident was not due to a supplemental brake failure. However, this COULD happen to you if you tow without supplemental brakes.


Even though some states don't specifically mention pulling a VEHICLE and it needing brakes, nearly all states consider anything pulled to be a 'trailer'.

Most every state has laws about supplemental braking systems being required when you are towing a trailer over a certain weight.

So just because your state doesn't specifically SAY your towed vehicle needs a supplemental braking system, interpretation of the law will likely conclude that a vehicle is a 'trailer'.

This means you need a towed vehicle braking system.

(State weight laws about towing and brakes will vary state-to-state.)

It's a very logical, necessary requirement.

Dinghy, Toad, Towed, or What??

There are several different words that describe a vehicle towed behind a motorhome.

We use all these phrases to describe a smaller vehicle being towed behind a motorhome:

  • A vehicle being towed behind an RV can  simply be called a 'towed vehicle'
  • As a play on words, a vehicle being towed behind an RV can be called a 'toad'
  • Borrowing from the nautical world (where a small boat is sometimes towed behind a larger boat), a towed vehicle can be called a 'dinghy'

Benefits of Using a Toad Braking System:

  • Having a supplemental braking system will save your motorhome's brakes from serious wear and tear
  • Your motorhome will brake more easily
  • Your braking distance will not increase (it will increase if you are towing WITHOUT a tow vehicle braking system)
  • You will not cause an accident due to your increased braking distance
  • Worst case scenario, having a supplemental brake system could save you from death, mental anguish, and possibly jail time

Negatives of Using a Toad Braking System:

  • None except cost and installation, but you can't get around this

Many manufacturers state that their towed car brake systems reduce your RV stopping distance by 20-50% when towing a vehicle.

Obviously a motorhome weighs significantly more than most regular vehicles.

So the stopping distance WITHOUT 3,000+ pounds behind it is already going to be significant.

Putting 3,000+ pounds behind it with no braking system will increase your stopping distance even more.

With a tow braking system, you will not cause an accident because of INCREASED braking distance.

Additionally, you could be sued (with good reason) if you cause an accident and you were not using a tow vehicle braking system (especially if legally you were required to have one).

Motorhome Rollover Wreck

Not really trying to scare you here, but we are trying to scare you. Another accident, not due to lack of brakes that we are aware of, but increased stopping distance can easily cause this scenario.

A brake system for towed vehicles can also protect the warranty on your RV if you are going to be pulling a 'trailer'.

If for no other reason, get a supplemental braking system as 'insurance' for your valuable warranty.

State Laws Regarding Supplemental Brake Usage

As previously stated, each state (and Canadian province) has their own set of towing laws. Here's a quick reference guide by Roadmaster  on the particulars of your state (or province) and all the surrounding states.

Roadmaster weight limits towing without supplemental brakes

What Does A Tow Vehicle Braking System Do?

All tow vehicle braking systems perform one major function.

They provide active, working brakes in the vehicle you are towing behind your motorhome.

It's a device you either install once in the toad, or each time you hook up for a trip.

Otherwise, the toad makes the motorhome's brakes work much harder as the toad wil push against the motorhome while braking.

This wears down your motorhome's brakes and also puts a lot of wear and tear on them while increasing your braking distance.

What Types Of Braking Systems Do I Have To Choose From?

First, and to describe systems in the most simple terms, there are two basic categories of supplemental braking systems:

  1. Portable
  2. Non-portable

Which is best?

Neither is 'best'.

What is 'best' for you will depend on your setup.

Let's say you get a new toad (towed vehicle) every couple of years, but you don't have money pouring out of your pockets to keep buying new brake systems because you keep buying new cars (heh.

Well then, a portable toad braking system may be best for you.

If you have more than one vehicle to tow (you take the car sometimes, other times you want to take the Jeep) then a portable brake system is almost surely what you want.

(Again, unless money is no object.)

If you have only one toad and you plan to keep it a while, we suggest getting a permanent toad brake system.

Then you don't always have to deal with installing and then taking out the portable system.

Getting a little more in depth, you will have mechanical differences in how the braking systems work.

Here are some of the mechanical types of supplemental braking systems for towed vehicles you will come across:

  • Proportional
  • Progressive
  • Direct
  • Vacuum Assist

Things get a little more complicated when it comes to understanding the mechanical differences.

Let's start off with the easier stuff... how supplemental brakes work and the differences between portable and non-portable systems.

Route 66

How Does A Supplemental Braking System Work?

It's important to know that there are many different ways that various tow braking systems work, mechanically.

Some work in direct relation to when the brakes are applied in your coach.

Some work using sensors alerting it that the coach slowing down and then applying the supplemental brakes.

Some work in direct proportion to how much you are braking your coach.

Some tow systems are adjustable in braking pressure... some are not.

Some work directly in sync with your motorhome's brakes... some work by sort of 'guessing' how much the coach is braking.

As previously mentioned, there are also portable braking systems and there are permanent (hardwired) braking systems to choose from.

Knowing the differences in how the various RV towed vehicle braking systems work and understanding the style of RVing you will be doing will help you to choose the best auxiliary brake for your needs.

As far as installation goes, there are two types of tow braking systems.

There are removable (portable) braking systems and braking systems that are hard-wired in (permanent) and don't require setup every time you hook up.

There are pros and cons to both types.

Let's take a look at the main differences between portable tow brakes and permanent (hardwired) tow brakes.

Portable Towed Vehicle Brake Systems

A portable towed vehicle braking system is good for those RVers who tend to change tow vehicles every few years.

It's also goo for those who aren't sure that they want to keep their current toad, or who have more than one vehicle that they tow.

With a portable toad braking system, you can easily take it with you if you get a new toad or swap out toads.

This way you don't have to buy a whole new system for your new toad or your second toad.

Also, a portable brake system is cheaper because you don't have to pay for installation.

Installs can cost just as much as the supplemental braking system equipment cost.

Blue Ox Patriot braking system

In this way, having a portable dinghy brake system is a plus.

However, portability can also be a negative. How?

Because every time you hit the road, you have to set up the device.

Setting up a portable dinghy brake system each time you hit the road is not complicated.

But it does add another step to your (already long) list of things to do before you take off.

Also, the chance for user error goes up because there are more steps to do to set up a portable dinghy braking system.

Additionally, you will have to store the device when it's not in use (it cannot be left in place in your toad as it goes where your feet go when you drive).

We all know storage space is an extremely valuable commodity in an RV.

Therefore you have to take it out of your toad when you get to your destination and store it.


There are quite a few portable RV toad braking systems.

Brake Buddy, Blue Ox, Roadmaster, and more all make a portable towed vehicle brake system.

Most are made to sit on the floorboard of your driver's side, and against the front of the seat, or the lip of the floorboard.

Typically, there is a rod with a clip at the end that connects to the brake pedal.

The power supply may come through a 12-volt cord and be plugged into a live 12-volt outlet (cigarette lighter style) in the car.

There is usually a set-up process that doesn't take very long which allows the tow braking system to get 'acquainted' with the feel of the toad's brake and the pressure needed for that vehicle.

How Hard Is It To Install A Portable Toad Brake System?

It's pretty easy, usually.

Each model of the portable dinghy brake system has individual installation instructions that need to be followed so that it gets set up correctly.

But to give you an idea of what it takes, we can summarize the general steps it involves for most portable brake systems.

  1. Connect toad to motorhome
  2. Place toad transmission in neutral
  3. Turn toad ignition to 'on'
  4. Place portable toad brake system on floorboard of driver's seat
  5. Connect portable brake system arm to toad brake pedal
  6. Connect power and any other parts associated with the portable brake unit
  7. Turn brake unit on and follow set up instructions

That's about the gist of it.

When you arrive at your destination, you reverse the sequence to remove the portable dinghy brake.

Unplug, unpower, disconnect and remove the unit.

Then you must store it somewhere.

Now your toad is free to take you to new adventures.

It's not hard at all, especially once you have done it a few times and know the routine.

Just don't forget to DO it before your trip!

Portable Towed Vehicle Braking System Pros and Cons:

  • Easily transfer between tow vehicles
  • Cheaper than a permanent system after installation costs of permanent
  • Easy to work with
  • Extra steps to set up and tear down
  • Must store when not in use
  • Might forget a step while installing

Permanent Tow Vehicle Brake Systems

Having a permanent tow vehicle brake system means that it is not removed once installed, or to drive the toad.

The system is permanently mounted (hard-wired) into your towed vehicle and motorhome (if required).

If you have a tow vehicle that you know you will be keeping for a long time, or just don't want to have to mess with installation every time you go on a trip, you should get a permanent tow braking system that installs once and done.

This means one less step to complete before and after you get to your destination.

Roadmaster Invisibrake tow brake system

A permanent tow brake system is nice in that it's out of the way, there's nothing to store, and there's very little to have to do to engage and disengage the system when you hit the road or arrive at your destination.

However, the permanent towed vehicle brake system must be installed in your toad.

This may not be an easy task for many of you.

Unless you have proficient electronics experience and aren't afraid to dig into a vehicle's mechanical (and electrical) system, you will have to have it installed professionally.

This can greatly add to the cost of the overall system.

This is something to consider in the beginning.

You won't likely miss the money once it's spent.

Plus, it's not an ongoing cost.

You just pay once for it to be installed correctly by a competent shop/mechanic.

Still, which permanent dinghy braking system you pick depends on whether you value convenience over saving a few bucks and/or how long you plan to keep your towed vehicle.

Permanent RV Toad Braking System Pros and Cons:

  • Less to do when hooking and unhooking toad from motorhome
  • No need to store while not in use
  • Less chances for making a mistake while installing for every trip
  • More expensive if you can't install yourself
  • Harder to take with you if you buy a new toad
  • Cannot switch between toads if you tow multiple vehicles

Mechanical Differences Between Tow Brake Systems

Portable or permanent, it's important to know that there are many different ways that various tow braking systems work.

Some work when the coach's brakes are applied.

Some work when they sense your coach slowing down and by knowing that you are braking.

Some work in direct proportion to how much you are braking your coach.

Some tow car brake systems are adjustable... some work in sync with your motorhome's brakes... there are different ways these braking systems work.

Class C motorhome driving towards Monument Valley

Not only do tow brake systems come in different 'packages' (I.E. how they are installed), they also differ in how they work as far as what makes them 'decide' to activate your toad's brakes (mechanical differences).

Here's where it's important to know what the differences are so you can pick the right type of system for your setup.

The most common types of activation systems are:

  • Proportional
  • Direct
  • Progressive

Let's look at how they differ mechanically (what mechanisms they use to sense your coach's brakes are being used and how they apply your toad's brakes).

Proportional Braking Systems

A proportional tow brake system works "in sync" with your motorhome's braking.

It brakes per the 'feel' of what the motorhome is doing.

How does it do this?

Most work using some type of an internal sensor (accelerometer), which 'feels' how quickly or slowly your motorhome is decelerating (slowing down).

It then matches the intensity necessary to slow your toad the same amount.

Thus, the name 'proportional'.

This is a good type of supplemental braking available for your toad AND for your motorhome.

You slam on the motorhome's brakes, the toad brakes slam accordingly.

You brake slightly going down a hill, your toad will gently brake.

They are pretty well aligned and in sync with one another.

These types of supplemental brakes have systems in place to make sure that it doesn't apply your toad's brakes if your RV is slowing down without the use of brakes (for example, while going up a hill or coasting).

Some proportional tow braking systems have to be set.

We mean by adjusting the amount of pressure needed to brake your particular toad.

There may be a manual adjustment to mess with while testing your new toad brakes.

Once set, there should be no need for further adjusting.

Both permanent and portable toad braking systems may work proportionally.

Proportional Dinghy Brake System Pros and Cons:

  • Emergency braking of toad available
  • Better than progressive braking
  • Most proportional brakes won't work with active power assist brakes. (Many hybrids) Only good for 'dead pedals'. (Blue Ox Patriot is one exception)

Good For:

  • Generally good for any tow setup, except for vehicles with power assist brakes
  • Better system for your brakes than a pre-set or progressive system

Direct Braking Systems

This is the system to get if you want the MOST accurate tow braking system possible.

This system is very precise.

It 100% matches what your motorhome's brakes are doing because it is connected to the brake lines of your coach.

Then, when working, it syncs with your coach brakes to brake exactly as your motorhome is braking.

No more under-braking or over-braking.

This is the most precise supplemental braking system you can get.

Class C motorhome on California Highway 1

A proportional braking system use accelerometers to figure out how much braking is or is not taking place in the coach.

Thus, it replicates what it feels that the coach brakes are doing.

Whereas a direct braking system is directly sensing the amount of braking that your RV is doing and can directly replicate that pressure to the toad's brakes.

A direct towed vehicle braking system doesn't have to 'decide' if deceleration is caused by natural slowing (no actual braking) due to an incline or coasting or if actual braking is taking place.

A direct system will only apply dinghy brakes when the RV's brakes are applied.

Be aware, it can be a little risky to install a direct system.


Some Class A RV manufacturers  will void your warranty if you tap into their brake lines without following certain guidelines.

Most systems are not in accordance with these guidelines.

Check with your RV manufacturer for stipulations.

  • There is only ONE braking system out there who's installation and actions follow manufacturer's guidelines and won't void your warranty- The Demco Air Force One.

Remember, towing a vehicle behind your motorhome without ANY supplemental braking system at all can ALSO void any warranty on your motorhome.

If you have a hybrid vehicle (which has a continuous braking system), to use a direct braking system you will need an additional adapter called a brake pressure reducer.

Direct Braking System Pros and Cons:

  • Once installed, almost zero to do before and after a trip
  • The most precise system available (matches your motorhome's braking precisely)
  • Very few (if any) adjustments needed after initial installation
  • Expensive
  • Difficult to install, requires a mechanic or extensive mechanical knowledge
  • If your toad has continuous power assist brakes (such as most hybrids) you need an additional adapter called a brake pressure reducer

Good For:

  • Mountainous terrain
  • Large, heavy tow vehicles

Progressive Braking Systems

Progressive SOUNDS like proportional, and it's easy to get them mixed up.

We  get annoyed with how similar the two words are.

Progressive systems work by simply knowing that the coach brakes are engaged.

Once the braking system gets the signal that the brakes are engaged, the supplemental brakes are applied.

They start to increase in pressure the longer that the coach's brakes are applied.

Up to a point.

These often have sensors which will turn the toad brakes off after a pre-set amount of time to not overheat the toad brakes.

So with a progressive braking system, the amount of braking pressure on the dinghy's brakes is 'progressively' increased to a certain point as long as the RV's brakes are being applied.

It doesn't matter how hard the RV's brakes are being applied, this progressive increasing of the dinghy brakes occurs.

See the problem with this?

You could be applying light braking pressure on your RV, while your toad's progressive braking system is applying what amounts to full braking.

The toad is braking harder than your RV.

Um, that's not good for your toad's brakes!

Motorhome Towing Jeep

Progressive System Pros and Cons:

  • Well, at least they will slow the toad down
  • Not the most in sync system- can be hard on the toad's brakes

Vacuum Assist Braking Systems

Some supplemental braking systems provide the tow vehicle with power brakes.

This type of system can be direct or proportional.

A system that supplies vacuum assist means that it also doesn't place undue pressure on your brake pedal if your toad has 'dead pedal' when towing.

(Dead pedal means that power to your toads brakes does not exist when towing.)

A vacuum assist braking system will either use your motorhome's vacuum or its own vacuum unit to provide you with power brakes.

Why is this good?

Let's go over (very basically) how brakes work.

Modern Brakes 101

Pretty much all modern vehicles these days have 'power brakes'.

This is also called 'power assist'.

A vacuum is used to create a lot of brake pressure with only a little pressure coming from your foot.

This is why you don't have to apply huge amounts of pressure to bring your vehicle to a stop.

This way braking is easy for everyone.

Anyone can simply exert a little pressure with a big result.

Route 66 double

In most vehicles, when they are turned off (such as when towing), the power assist doesn't work.

If you tried to brake your car when it was rolling but not turned on (no brake assist), it would be MUCH more difficult to stop.

A huge amount of brake pressure would be needed to stop the vehicle.

Vacuum Assist Brakes Continued

Therefore, in most supplemental tow braking systems, because the power brakes don't work when towing, the unit is forced to use a LOT of pressure for braking to be effective.

This CAN, after a while, put a lot of unnecessary wear and tear on your toad's brakes.

There can even be damage done to your braking components if you have not configured the supplemental brake intensity correctly or it is positioned incorrectly.

Vacuum-assist tow braking systems put an end to this worry.

This type of braking system provides power in one of two ways.

It either taps into and uses the existing vacuum pump system to create power assist, or it uses a self-contained pump to power assist the toad's brakes.

Vacuum Assist Pros and Cons:

  • Toad brakes safe from being damaged from excessive pressure
  • Also compatible with vehicles that have continuous power-assist

Good For:

  • Frequent towing/the least amount of wear and tear on your toad


There are many good supplemental braking systems out there for vehicles towed behind an RV.

Which one will be best for you depends on your lifestyle and your RVing habits.

Hopefully, now you better understand the different types of systems available and which ones might best suit your needs.

On the simple side, you decide on either a portable towed vehicle brake system  or a permanent tow vehicle brake system.

Police lights

Don't get caught in an accident or WITHOUT a supplemental brake system! Check your local state laws or better yet,  just get one.

On the more challenging side, you will need to decide if it's important for you to keep your manufacturer warranty, or if you should get a progressive system or a direct system.

Or, if you even need a supplemental brake at all.

Please err on the cautious side... almost every towed vehicle needs a supplemental brake.

Check with your local laws if you never plan to drive outside of your state.

If you do plan to cross state lines, you may as well have a supplemental braking system for your dinghy.

Every state has different laws, and most of them are likely to require that you have a supplemental system.

(See the state laws infographic near the top of the guide.)

Whatever you do, enjoy it, and Camp On, Addicts!

Towed Vehicle Braking System Reviews

Aaah, America the free, right?

The American dream is being able to leave it all behind and hit the road for good fun recreating.

Even if it's just for a weekend.

If you have a motorhome and want to bring a vehicle to easily explore your destination, then it's almost guaranteed you also need a supplemental braking system for the vehicle or trailer you are pulling.

Says who?

Likely, your state towing law says.

There are a lot of different types of supplemental braking systems out there with many variations to them.

We are going to help you out by digging into all of the variables and letting you know the pros and cons of each, along with their particular features.

Most braking systems we looked at were quite good. You almost can't go wrong no matter what you choose.

Still, you will want to choose the best type for your particular driving habits and needs.

Towed vehicle braking system reviews are immediately below.

We broke down our best towed vehicle braking system picks according to specific needs, safety, and ease of use.

Most supplemental braking systems available will suffice. But do check into what your needs are compared to what the system offers.

Best Permanent Tow Brake: RVs with Air Brakes

SMI Air Force One

Air Force One brake controller


  • Won't void manufacturer (chassis) warranty when installed properly
  • Won't drain toad battery
  • 5-year warranty
  • Fits ALL towed vehicles
  • Direct system


  • For RVs with air brakes only

The Demco Air Force One is the most advanced, safest, easiest to use tow braking systems you can purchase for your motorhome that has air brakes. (Not for use with hydraulic brakes.)

Continue Reading Demco Air Force One Review

(This tow braking system used to be known as the SMI Air Force One until Demco purchased SMI in 2017.)

Air Force One brake controller

The Air Force One is pretty much the 'creme de la creme' of braking systems for any person who has a motorhome with air brakes.

The installation is the only 'hard' part.

After installation, there is NOTHING else you have to do to make this sucker work.

There are no moving parts to break, there's nothing to think about or 'do' to make it work after installation.

Best of all, this is the ONLY supplemental braking system that still meets chassis manufacturers specifications for installation after tapping into the brake lines of the coach.

Installation of this system WON'T void your manufacturer's chassis warranty.

(If you use any other supplemental brake system that is a direct system on a coach with air brakes, you may void your chassis warranty.)

Air Force One Braking System

Many 'Pros'

There is no other supplemental toad brake system that goes to the lengths that the Air Force One does to be in accordance with chassis manufacturers demands for safety.

Additionally, there are no circuit boards to go bad, and toad battery drain is never an issue.

ALL toads will work with the SMI Air Force One.

This is a truly direct system, meaning the toads brakes will exactly match the pressure you are putting on your motorhome's brakes.

This type of system puts the least amount of wear and tear on your toad's brakes.

Unless you are very mechanically inclined,  you probably need to hire a professional to do the install.

The tow vehicle braking system does come with a 30-minute long installation DVD for those of you who have the right tools and knowledge to do it yourself.

No Pump + Backup Fail System

The SMI Air Force One is the only air brake system that does not use or need an electronic vacuum pump.

It uses virtually no moving parts at all that can break.

This supplies great trust that your brakes will not fail.

Air Force One Air brake controller kit

Coach Air Connection Assembly And Air Line

The Air Force One also uses a system which they call Total Coach Protection.

In case of a breakaway from the RV,  it segregates the towed brake system from the RV system.

Your coach's air lines will not be compromised in the event the system fails.

No other braking system has this feature.

Air Force One Air Jumper

Air Line For The Air Force One


If you want the most accurate braking with complete hands-off usability, the SMI Air Force One dinghy brake system is perfect for your air-brake equipped coach.

Once installed, there is nothing more to do than plug the AFO jumper and that's it.

You're set!

SMI Air Force One Braking System Installation

  • Download the SMI Air Force One supplemental braking system manual here (PDF).

SMI Air Force One Supplemental Braking System Features and Specs:

  • Direct braking
  • Fits ALL towed vehicles
  • Zero set-up or adjustment after installation
  • Towed vehicle has active power brakes
  • "Brakes on" notification lights for toad
  • Step-by-step installation instructions
  • Chassis manufacturers approved air tap in
  • 5-year limited warranty

Best Permanent Tow Brake: RVs with Hydraulic Brakes

Stay-In-Play Duo

SMI Stay-in-play Duo holding


  • Dual signal technology for brake activation
  • Fastest braking response time of any installed system
  • 5-year warranty
  • Fits every tow vehicle
  • Vacuum energizes toads brakes, creating soft pedal
  • Emergency braking enabled


  • None that we can find

This towed vehicle braking system uses a vacuum to energize the toad brakes power braking system.

This eliminates excessive force on the braking of the toad brakes. It also requires TWO signals to activate, eliminating false braking.

Continue Reading Demco Stay-In-Play Duo Review

The Demco Stay-In-Play Duo is another self-contained, install it once and done, braking system.

We like that it uses more than just one signal to truly know that the coach is braking.

This unit needs for the coach's brake lights to be on IN ADDITION TO having deceleration taking place, to function.

This way, there can be no false reading and no braking at inappropriate times while going over grades or bumps.

Because of this, there is no 'thinking' that has to happen by the system, saving critical stopping  seconds.

If you are going downhill, some systems have to figure out, 'is this a steep grade or are they braking?'.

This extra time needed to figure it out can cost you many feet in travel, which could mean the difference between a safe stop and a crash.

SMI Stay-in-play Duo towed vehicle brake system

Fastest Braking System

Demco claims that no system applies the brakes faster than the Stay-In-Play Duo toad braking system.

It also uses air pressure plus vacuum.

It uses the vacuum to activate the tow vehicle's power portion of the brakes by applying vacuum to the master cylinder of your vehicle.

It uses air pressure to activate the tow brakes themselves.

Like most permanent systems, the Stay-In-Play Duo will be installed out of the way so that there is nothing in your way and nothing to set up or remove to hit the road.

The coach notification system that tells you when the toads brakes are activated comes directly from the toad's brakes. (Not from some other source.)

This is one of the top things one needs to know when they are pulling a toad.

Are the toad's brakes on?

If they are on when they should NOT be, you should know this so you can stop and fix it before it ruins your toad's brakes.

Make sure whatever system you get gets the information about the toads brakes directly from the TOADS BRAKES and not some other way.

Stay-In-Play Duo Dinghy Braking System Description

Stay-In-Play Dinghy Towing Brake System Installation

  • Download the Stay-IN-Play Duo towed vehicle braking system manual here (PDF).

Demco Stay-In-Play Duo Dinghy Braking System Features and Specs:

  • Works with both air brakes or hydraulic brakes
  • Proportional AND Progressive Braking
  • Out of the way and hands off once installed
  • Panic stop (emergency) braking
  • Coach notification of braking
  • Fastest self contained braking system available
  • 2-3 hour install time
  • 5-year limited warranty

Best Portable Tow Brake System

RVI Brake 3

RVIbrake 3


  • Lightweight
  • Smallest portable system
  • No wires, no installation
  • 1-year warranty
  • Fits in every car


  • Battery life on tablet is short. This is hardly a con. You can easily be plugged into power all the time while driving. What, did you want to go on a hike with your command center?

Simply the easiest, most compact, fastest portable brake system for your toad.

Continue Reading RVI Brake 3 Review


Talk about small and out of the way!

Compared to all of the other portable systems out there which are big and cumbersome, the RViBrake is a tiny pack of power and a breath of fresh air.

We love that it is so easy to install, take out, and store.

It's also great in that it doesn't push against the front of the driver's seat.

Using the seat to 'brace' any braking unit can go bad as the seat cushion could 'give' too much, or the unit could slip up the seat.

Moving the unit after it has been set up and formatted can cause braking that could potentially be damaging.

RVIbrake 3

The RViBrake pushes against the rise in the floorboard instead.

If your vehicle doesn't come with a rise, a custom rise for your specific make and brand will be provided for you.

This unit is smaller than any other unit on the market.

Its maker, Dan Decker, also created the very popular original Brake Buddy.

He sold Brake Buddy and then started creating other products.

After the non-compete clause time ended, he launched the RViBrake, the first self-calibrating portable brake system with false braking detection.

The unit is only about 3 inches tall compared to average portable brake units which are around 14 inches tall.

This makes the RVi Brake much more compact and easy to store than any other portable brake system.

This system comes with a command center tablet.

It is the monitor for the system.

It guides you through choosing the right settings, alerts you of a hitch failure resulting in a breakaway, and monitors the proportional braking in real-time.

No external antennas needed to keep up communication between the toad and the coach.

RVIBrake 3 Auxiliary Braking System Introduction

RViBrake Toad Braking System Tips & Cautions

RViBrake Toad Braking System Pairing

RViBrake Toad Braking System Setup in Vehicle

  • Download the RVibrake 3 auxiliary braking system manual here (PDF).

RViBrake Tow Vehicle Brake System Features and Specs:

  • All electric - no pump, tank or air hoses to leak
  • No slamming of the brakes, moves smoothly and proportionally
  • Proportional braking
  • Manually apply brakes from coach with wireless remote
  • Electric actuator instead of air cylinder
  • Weighs only 13 pounds!
  • Comes with 'Command Center' tablet for monitoring and setting up
  • Supposedly made in the USA- CHECK THIS
  • Auto-positions itself into place (self-calibrating)
  • Brake lock detection
  • Compatible with Hybrids!

Compatible With a Toad OR a Trailer

Brake Buddy Stealth

Brake Buddy Stealth tow braking system


  • Lightweight
  • Great if you need to switch from pulling toad to trailer
  • 3-year manufacturer warranty
  • Works on ALL toads
  • Installs out of sight


  • None that we can find

If you sometimes pull a toad, and sometimes pull a trailer of any kind, this will simplify your life.

Continue Reading Brake Buddy Stealth Review

You have a Jeep Wrangler for family outings.

But you also have a trailer that pulls your RZR that you like to take to the sand dunes.

What's a new RVer to do for brakes for two different systems if you don't already have a brake system in your truck?

You get yourself the Brake Buddy Stealth.

Brake Buddy Stealth braking system


The Brake Buddy Stealth is the ONLY supplemental brake system that can work on a trailer and a toad.

This is a no-brainer if you tend to tow toads and trailers, especially if you don't already have a brake system for the trailer.

Brake Buddy is a well-known, established brand name in the world of portable and non-portable braking systems.

Another benefit of the Brake Buddy Stealth is that it installs permanently (You don't have to remove it from your toad so you can drive it) and is out of the way while not in use.

Brake Buddy Stealth offers a 5-year money-back guarantee.

The unit also has a battery maintainer so your toad's battery won't be drained while driving.

Their dual controller applies brakes to either a trailer or to a vehicle, something you will not find in any other braking system.

Brake Buddy Stealth tow braking system

Brake Buddy Stealth Braking System Installation

  • Download the Brake Buddy Stealth installation manual here (PDF).
  • Download the Brake Buddy Stealth operation manual here (PDF).

Brake Buddy Stealth Features and Specs:

  • Works on all vehicles, including hybrids
  • Installs up to 5 times quicker than other permanent brake systems
  • Settings can be controlled from the drivers seat
  • No hassle setup, simply plug in and you're off
  • Works with not only pulling vehicles, but with trailers as well

Best Budget  Supplemental Brakes

Budget? NO! Seriously? Don't skimp on brakes. Besides, most braking systems cost about the same- $900-$1300


  • Fulfill your inner cheapskate


  • Are you serious? You want cheap brakes? This is not a place to cut corners.


If you are pulling a toad behind your motorhome, it's almost a sure thing that you need a supplemental braking system for the toad.

Finding the best one is a matter of figuring out what your needs are according to how you travel and camp.

Bottom line is that for your safety and others' safety, you will need a supplemental system.

It's also likely against the law not to have one in your state.

Get out there and do it right, and Camp On, Addicts!

Kelly Headshot

Kelly Beasley

He-llllo. I'm the co-founder of Camp Addict, which my biz partner and I launched in 2017. I frigging love the RVing lifestyle but in December of 2020, I converted to part-time RV life. Heck, I lived in my travel trailer for over 5.5 years, STRICTLY boondocking for pretty much all of it. Boondocking is a GREAT way to live, but it's not easy. Anyway, I'm passionate about animals, can't stand campgrounds, I hardly ever cook, and I love a good dance party. Currently, I can be found plotting and scheming whether or not to start collecting farm animals (or plotting my next RV trip!) at my beautiful new 'ranch' named 'Hotel Kellyfornia', in Southern Arizona.

Marshall Headshot

Marshall Wendler

Camp Addict co-founder Marshall Wendler brings his technical expertise to help explain RV products in an easy to understand fashion. Full-time RVing from April 2014 - December 2020 (now RVing about 50% of the time), Marshall loves sharing his knowledge of the RV lifestyle. Marshall spends the majority of his RVing life boondocking. He is the part of Camp Addict that knows 'all the things'. He's good at sharing his technical knowledge so you can benefit.

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