The newborn senses: What can babies feel, see, hear, smell, and taste?

© 2022 – 2022 Gwen Dewar, Ph.D., all rights reserved

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How exercise newborn senses compare with our ain? Babies don't see colors quite like we do, and their vision is blurry. They have more trouble picking out oral communication from groundwork racket. Yet newborns are fascinated by the visual globe, and they show remarkable abilities to recognize different sights, sounds, textures, and odors.

Some self-appointed experts have taken a dangerously dim view of newborn babies. Until the tardily 20th century, many medical authorities actually denied that newborns can feel hurting (Rodkey and Ridell 2013).

Thankfully, modern science has debunked that notion, and shed light on remarkable abilities of infants.

Then what can babies feel, see, hear, smell and taste? What do babies notice nigh the world, and how does sensory data influence their development? Hither is an evidenced-based look at the newborn senses.

The newborn sense of touch


Ultrasound confirms that babies experience the sense of touch long before they are born.

If a meaning woman rubs her belly, her fetus tin feel the vibrations. And babies appoint in lots of cocky-touch, peculiarly during the third trimester, when their skin may become more sensitive to stimulation (Marx and Nady 2015).

Afterwards birth, babies proceed to explore the world through touch, and it'due south clear that touch on is a powerful social and emotional signal.

For example, when researchers brushed sleeping babies on the leg with a ho-hum, gentle stoke, information technology activated parts of the brain that specialize in processing social and emotional information (Tuulari et al 2019; Jönsson et al 2018). And experiments testify that appreciating, skin-to-pare contact can soothe newborns in hurting, and help babies grow and thrive (Johnston et al 2017; Conde-Agudelo and Díaz-Rossello 2016).

In fact, a caregiver'due south touch may help reverse some of the adverse affects of prenatal stress, and protect at-chance babies from developing abnormal stress response system.

Prenatal stress tin can change the functioning of a baby's stress-regulating genes. So can postpartum depression. But when researchers have tracked babies over time, they've found that high levels of affectionate touch (stroking) reverse the outcome (Murgatroyd et al 2015).

Moreover, babies who receive lots of affectionate touch tend to show less emotional negativity as they get older, and they develop fewer symptoms of anxiety and depression (Abrupt et al 2012; Sharp et al 2015; Pickles et al 2017).

So cuddling your newborn isn't just natural, intuitive, and humane — the right thing to do. It's also a form of ecology programming, one that increases your infant's chances of developing greater emotional wellness and resilience.

What about the more than investigative aspects of affect? The information that babies gather about their world when they feel textures, or grasp something in their fingers?


Babies apply their sense of affect to "fill in" what they don't yet know about an object'due south visual appearance.

If I handed you a small object and permit yous touch it — without giving you the chance to see information technology — could y'all figure out what it looks like?

Information technology's an old political party game, and ane that you might assume requires lots of previous practice. You demand to exist able to have purely tactile information and and so interpret it into a 3-D image in your mind. Surely this is across the power of a newborn, right?

Incorrect. In fascinating experiments, Arlette Streri and her colleagues discovered that newborns are capable of inferring the appearance of an object from touch solitary (Streri 2003; Streri and Gentaz 2004; Sann and Streri 2007; San and Streri 2008).


Experimenters gave each baby a simple object to handle: either a solid wooden cylinder, or a solid wooden prism with a triangular base. The babies touched only one type of object, and they couldn't see what they were touching.

Then came the examination.

The newborns were shown both objects. Could the newborns tell the departure? Recognize the object they had held in their easily?

Remarkably, they could. In trial after trial, the babies reacted as if they were already familiar with the object they'd touched. They didn't look at it much, focusing their attention instead on the other detail — whichever shape they hadn't handled previously.

Just as interesting, the babiescouldn't perform this trick in the other management. If a baby was immune just to wait at a new object, he wasn't able to recognize information technology later by touch alone. In another words, newborns couldn't offset with purely visual information and translate it into tactile data.

The results advise that newborns use touch to help make sense of visual information. When a baby touches your face, she may be learning how to recognize it visually.

But does this hateful your newborn senses the world primarily through touch?

Clearly not. In fact, when it comes to social interactions, babies seem to find touch more reassuring if it comes as role of a parcel — one that includes affectionate cuddles, friendly eye contact, talking, and rocking.

Newborns notice how we touch on them — and they get stressed when we do it the wrong style.

In an experiment on newborns, researchers randomly assigned infants to one of ii treatments. Half the babies were stroked by a silent, uncommunicative caregiver. The other half were also stroked, just in combination with rocking, middle contact, and soothing speech.

The babies who received the combination bundle experienced a drop in stress hormone levels. The babies who were stroked in isolation experienced a stress hormonesurge(White-Traut et al 2009).

And babies tin can too get stressed when we're too pushy — when we ignore their want for downtime, touching and stimulating them in means they don't want (Feldman et al 2010). So the key is to pay attention to your baby's signals, and provide him with the sort of touching that he finds enjoyable or soothing.

For more information, see these Parenting Scientific discipline tips for reducing opens in a new windowstress in babies.

The newborn sense of sight: What can babies see?


You've probably heard that newborn eyesight is relatively poor, and information technology's true.

Practice newborns see in 3-D?

No. Stereoscopic depth perception (perceiving the globe in "three-D") doesn't appear until approximately xvi weeks postpartum (Jandó et al 2012; Streri et al 2012; Held et al 1980).

Practice newborns encounter colour?

Yep, only only to a limited caste.

Color bigotry is very poor immediately later on birth, and develops gradually over a period of months (Johnson 2010).

For example, when researchers tested 4-mean solar day old infants, they found these babies could successfully distinguish between white and orangish (i.e., light with a wavelength of 595 nm). Merely they failed to distinguish white from yellow-light-green colors (Adams et al 1991).

Similar studies have shown that many babies under 4 weeks of historic period have trouble telling the deviation between

  • white and nighttime bluish,
  • white and red,
  • red and greenish, and
  • crimson and yellow (Adams 1995; Clavadetscher et al 1988).

Past 8 weeks, near babies possess improve color perception. This is the historic period by which they tin can reliably distinguish the colour red (wavelength 633 nm) from white, as well as turquoise blue (486 nm), and some blue-greens (496-516 nm).

But they nonetheless struggle with yellow and yellowish-greens, too as certain shades of majestic (see Banks and Bennet 1988 for summary). Colour abilities continue to develop throughout infancy and early childhood (Goulart et al 2008).


By 8 weeks, most babies possess ameliorate color perception. This is the age by which they can reliably distinguish the color cerise (wavelength 633 nm) from white, as well as turquoise bluish (486 nm), and some blue-greens (496-516 nm).

Only they still struggle with yellow and yellow-greens, also as certain shades of purple (come across Banks and Bennet 1988 for summary). Colour abilities proceed to develop throughout infancy and early childhood (Goulart et al 2008).

Does this mean your newborn baby is colorblind?

No! This isn'tcolorless vision. Reverse to the popular claim, newbornsdon't come across the world in blackness and white. But it's a world with very piddling color, and more subtle contrast between hues.

What almost visual acuity? How blurry do things expect to a babe?

Newborns can see faces and large shapes, only their visual acuity is very poor compared with an adult's.

To go a feeling for the difference, imagine a design of blackness-and-white stripes on a piece of paper. The stripes are only wide enough that you can fit 2 alternations — blackness/white/blackness/white — per centimeter.


The striped newspaper is placed against a solid, greyness backdrop. You stand back a few feet and have a expect. Can you lot still see the stripes, or do they disappear — blend imperceptibly into the groundwork?

If you take normal vision, yous will take no difficulty seeing the stripes. But the average newborn won't exist able to detect the stripes, not even if you hold the brandish 15 inches from her face.

To go a feeling for this, imagine a design of black-and-white stripes on a piece of paper. The stripes are but wide enough that you can fit 2 alternations — blackness/white/black/white — per centimeter.

To the infant, the stripe design is too fine. The stripes mistiness together (Cavallini et al 2002). An optometrist would rate her visual acuity at around 20/640 — a score that easily meets the threshold for being legally blind.

When do babies begin to see conspicuously? Inquiry suggests that babies feel steady and steep gains over the first few months. By half-dozen months, the typical babe would score around xx/threescore (Salomão et al 2008) — a major improvement.

Given these limitations, are newborns interested in the visual world?

Absolutely! Newborn might non encounter as well as adults do, just they are yet fascinated by visual information.

Similar the T. rex in Jurassic Park, newborns discover moving objects to exist especially interesting (Valenza et al 2015).

They also bear witness a special attraction to faces, and they can apace learn to recognize the faces of their caregivers.

In one study, researchers presented babies with video playbacks of 2 faces. One was the infant's own mother. The other was the face of an unfamiliar adult female (Bushnell et al 1989).

The infants—who ranged betwixt 12 and 36 hours one-time—showed a clear preference for watching their mother's face, equally opposed to the confront of the stranger. And this was true despite the fact that the faces were presented in silence, and without whatsoever olfactory cues. The babies couldn't take been tipped off by their mother'southward voice or scent.

Other studies have replicated these results, and offer insight into the visual clues that babies apply to tell people apart: They are probably noticing differences in confront shape, hairstyle, and color (Pascalis et al 1994).

The newborn sense of hearing


Babies develop the power to hear long before they are born. In fact, they've listened so long, they aren't just familiar with the sound of their mothers' voices. They can pick out some of the distinctive patterns of their mother'due south native language, and they may even mimic these patterns when they cry!

In a study of French and German babies, researchers constitute that French newborns produced cries with a rise melodic contour, much the way French speakers do when they utter a sentence. The German babies, by contrast, produced typically Germanic-sounding cries — with a falling intonation (Mampe et al 2009).

That's pretty amazing stuff, and there'southward more than: Newborns pay us special attending when we speak to them in "parentese" — the slow, repetitive, musical style of talking that many parents find natural when addressing an infant. Every bit I note elsewhere, it's probable that opens in a new window"parentese" helps babies learn well-nigh our emotions. It may also aid them opens in a new windowdecipher language.

Only don't exist fooled. Babies don't beginning life with exactly the aforementioned listening abilities every bit adults. Babies take more trouble picking out speech from groundwork noise (Erickson and Newman 2018). To aid babies learn language, we need to talk with them, 1-on-1, in environments that are free from dissonance pollution.

The newborn senses of odour and taste

Every bit far as we know, at that place is nothing inferior near a newborn'southward sense of olfactory property.

For case, when researchers accept presented newborns with unfamiliar odors, the babies' brains responded much like our own (Adam-Darque et al 2018). And in at to the lowest degree one respect, newborns accept outperformed adults:

Experiments suggest that newborns are actually better at detecting the olfactory property components in human sweat than adults are (Loos et al 2017).

Other enquiry shows that newborn babies tin can recognize the olfactory property of amniotic fluid (Varendi et al 1997). They can also distinguish between the scent of breast milk and formula.

When researchers presented formula-fed newborns with two different odors — the smell of chest milk from an unfamiliar woman, and the odour of a familiar infant formula — the babies showed a preference for the odor of human milk (Marlier and Schaal 2005).

Moreover, the scent of chest milk appears to accept a calming, painkilling result on newborns (Baudesson de Chanville et al 2017; Neshat et al 2016; Nishitani et al 2009).

And if you familiarize newborns to an odor shortly subsequently birth, they can develop a fondness for it.

In one experiment, newborns were introduced to the odour of chamomile while they were nursing. Days later, their attraction to the scent of chamomile was as strong every bit their attraction to the scent of chest milk (Delaunay-El Allam et al 2006). Similar results have been reported for the aroma of vanilla (Goubet et al 2007).

What most identifying individuals? Tin newborns recognize their caregivers by scent?


It seems that they tin. In i breast milk study, newborns undergoing a painful procedure (a heel prick) were soothed past the odour of milk. Only only if the milk came from their own mothers (Nishitani et al 2009).

In another study, newborns were presented with the odors of different chest milk samples–samples donated by their mothers and by other, unfamiliar women. The babies mouthed more than in response to their ain mothers' odors, and the amount of prior exposure made a difference:

Those who'd experienced more than than 50 minutes of contact showed a greater deviation in mouthing (Mizuno at al 2004).

And the sense of taste? How do newborns respond to flavors?

Every bit every foodie knows, our experience of flavor is influenced past our sense of smell. For example, differences in odor account for much of what makes an apricot taste unlike than a peach.

But of grade it isn't but about scent. Nosotros also have gustation buds, and these assist us discover at to the lowest degree five dimensions — sweetness, saltiness, bitterness, sourness, and umami (a savory, hearty taste associated with glutamate, and found in meats, milk products, and mushrooms).

A newborn senses all of these dimensions except i: Experiments suggest that babies tin can't taste common salt until they are about 4 months sometime (Beauchamp et al 1986).

Equally for the rest, newborns are especially partial to sugariness. In fact, when babies are given a sugar solution immediately earlier a painful procedure–similar a heel prick–they cry less. Newborns too seem to like the taste of glutamate, which is found in breast milk (Beauchamp and Pearson 1991).

Past dissimilarity, newborns react negatively to some (but not all) bitter substances. And when a newborn senses a sour substance, he is probable to pull away and grimace (Steiner 1977).

Does the sense of taste have any practical consequences for a newborn? You might non remember it matters much,  since young infants consume simply breast milk of babe formula.  But experiments betoken that the flavors in a mother'south nutrition get passed forth in the breast milk, and the babies notice.

Early exposure to these "added" flavors may help babies develop preferences for healthful foods later on. You can read more it opens in a new windowhither.

What else tin newborns do?

Immediately after nascence, babies show remarkable social abilities. For more information, meet this bear witness-based review of how a opens in a new windownewborn senses the social world.

And what virtually thinking? Problem-solving? Memory? Learn more most your baby'southward fascinating intellectual abilities in my article, opens in a new window"Newborn cognitive development: What babies are thinking and learning."

References: The newborn senses

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Content of "The newborn senses: What tin your baby experience, come across, hear, odour, and sense of taste?" last modified  eight/17

Image credits for the Newborn Senses:

Title image of newborn with funny facial expression by Lemmer_Creative /istock

image of ultrasound by Dean Wissing / flickr

epitome of newborn and developed easily by opens in a new windowmathewreid / flickr

Paradigm of infant cooing over mother'south shoulder by opens in a new windowNiko Knigge /flickr

Image of babe with one eye open past opens in a new windowChristine Szeto flickr

Prototype of blurry woman by opens in a new windowShannon Kringen / flickr

Image of ginger-haired newborn by opens in a new windowphotosavvy / flickr

Paradigm of mother and newborn by opens in a new windowHarald Groven / flickr

Small portions of this article are derived from an before work by the same author, "Wired for fast rails learning? The newborn senses of taste and smell" (2011).

Content of "The newborn senses" terminal modified 10/2020


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