Who Was Detective Sipowicz Final Partner on Nypd Blue


NYPD Blue is a Cop Show with Soap Opera elements that ran on ABC from 1993 to 2005. Originally a star vehicle for David Caruso (who left after the first season to pursue a movie career), the show evolved into an ensemble, with Det. Andy Sipowicz (Dennis Franz) as the focus character.

The show courted controversy from the start with its liberal use of nudity (mostly sideboob and butts, with the occasional steamy love scene) and salty language (one of Sipowicz's first lines is calling A.D.A. Sylvia Costas a "pissy little bitch", and it was one of the first shows to use the word "shit" on network television). The Parents Television Council was formed primarily because of this show. It was also noted for resurrecting the careers of those (besides Caruso) who played Andy's partners (Jimmy Smits, and former child stars Rick Schroder and Mark-Paul Gosselaar)

The show was created by producer Steven Bochco, and is considered the Spiritual Successor to his earlier, similarly ground-breaking ensemble cop show, Hill Street Blues.

In October 2018, it was announced that a revival is under development. This revival is stated to feature a new generation of detectives, and the revival will center on Andy Sipowitz's son Theo, as he will earn his detective shield so he can investigate his father's death. As of 2019, the revival idea is being stalled, but there are efforts to redo the pilot.

This show contains examples of:

  • The Alcoholic:
    • From the first episode, Sipowicz is established as an alcoholic, who goes to AA meetings and mostly manages to stay sober (though he does fall Off the Wagon two times). He also helps various colleagues with their drinking problems.
    • Detective Russell is later revealed also to have problems with alcohol; she was driven to drink by traumatic events in her past. She is always shown ordering soft drinks when others drink, but does not want to discuss the reason, which causes resentment with some people.
  • Amoral Attorney: James Sinclair is a brilliant lawyer who often defends high-profile criminals and mob bosses, and tends to get them acquitted. This doesn't make him too popular among the detectives, and he is a special nemesis to Sipowicz who sees him as not just amoral, but positively evil, and doesn't hesitate to tell him so to his face. Despite this, Det. Kelly hires him to defend one of their colleagues when she is on trial for murder.
  • And the Adventure Continues: Although the final season features notable changes, like Medavoy retiring and Sipowicz being bumped up to the squad leader, the finale plays out pretty much like a regular episode, with new detectives being brought in as members of the staff, cases being explored, and everyone wishing Andy well as he remains at the office to finish up the paperwork for the night. Just another work day, with the implication that this will be the way things go tomorrow, and for a long while afterwards.
  • Anyone Can Die: Especially if they're connected to Sipowicz. 2 partners, his elder son, and a wife. And his boss, almost.
  • Ascended Extra: Medavoy was originally just a random detective who had a few lines in one episode. Gordon Clapp was originally offered a one-shot guest character, but he recalls reading a line in the script about Medavoy "getting up from his desk" and deciding that "maybe someday we'll get to see his desk." His intuition paid off, as Medavoy's role was quickly expanded and Clapp remained for the entire run of the series.
  • Ashes to Crashes: a detective who used to work in the squad died and his widow wants the squad to store half of his ashes there, because that was the man's last wish. "Just put the urn in the back of a file cabinet or something, it wouldn't be any trouble." But the Lieutenant refuses on the grounds that it isn't regulation. Sipowitz manages to get the ashes stirred into the plaster being used to repair the bathroom, so he'll be there forever.
  • As Himself:
    • Porn star Vanessa del Rio appeared once, filing a complaint against a fan who was harassing her.
    • Police Commissioner Howard Safir appeared in "My Wild Irish Nose" to present Simone with his promotion to Detective First Grade.
  • Batman Gambit: Attempted in a multi-episode arc. Hatcher carries out escalating acts of vengeance against Sipowicz to provoke him, ranging from slashing his tires to threatening Sipowicz's son, then carries a tape recorder, hoping Sipowicz will incriminate himself. Given their history, Sipowicz naturally suspects the guilty party and reacts more or less as hoped, and could have gotten into serious legal trouble. Unfortunately for the perp, the initial scheme involved so many distasteful crimes including multiple felonies easily traced to their source that even the local Obstructive Bureaucrat points out that Sipowicz would make a sympathetic defendant and the perp would get the book thrown at him.
  • Berserk Button
    • Andy Sipowicz was a veteran of The Vietnam War. So please, do not lie to him about having fought in that war if you weren't actually there.
    • Amoral Attorney James Sinclair acts as a living Berserk Button to Sipowicz.
    • Sipowicz and John Clark, Sr. tend to press each other's berserk buttons a lot. When Clark finds out that his son is partnering up with Sipowicz, he packs his son's bags and throws him out of their apartment.
  • Big Rotten Apple: Along with the early seasons of Law & Order this was one of the last pieces of popular media to present New York City as a squalid and dangerous hotbed of crime before plummeting street crime and spiraling rents promoted the image of "nice place to live if you can afford it."
  • The Boxing Episode: In season nine, Det. Clarke agrees to settle a personal quarrel with one of the uniformed cops, Laughlin, by boxing against him at a precinct charity event. When rumour gets out that it is a grudge match, the captain stops the match. Laughlin puts intense pressure on Clark, pointing him out as a coward. Finally both combatants agree to hide their enmity and pretend the match is just for fun, which leads the captain to reinstate it.
  • Breakout Character: Sipowicz, who started out second banana to John Kelly and ended up as one of the most famous TV detectives of all time. (Dennis Franz's four Emmys for the role certainly didn't hurt.)

    Marge: Homer, I don't think you should wear a short-sleeved shirt with a tie.

    Homer: But Sipowicz does it.

    Marge: If Detective Sipowicz jumped off a cliff, would you do that too?

    Homer: Ohh... wish I was Sipowicz.

  • The Bus Came Back: After departing near the end of Season 8, Diane Russell returned for a one-off guest appearance in Season 10, and then a four-episode arc in Season 11.
  • But I Can't Be Pregnant!: Connie's Season 11 pregnancy, when she'd previously been stated to be infertile due to complications with a pregnancy when she was a teenager. But then Charlotte Ross got pregnant in real life. In the end, the writers were able to use the rather mild retcon of Connie's doctors telling her it would be almost impossible for her to get pregnant.
  • Butt-Monkey: Medavoy
    • Medavoy usually gets the "odd" case of the week. He doesn't usually suffer any major setbacks, but has a lot of bad luck, sometimes falls for scams, and tends to end up in situations where he's slightly out of his element.
    • He sometimes makes a rather naive impression and has a talent for stating the obvious, which often elicits snide comments from Sipowicz.
    • Subverted in the episode where he's fueled by disgust for the sexually motivated murder case he catches, does a great job investigating it and interrogating the perpetrator, and gets a commendation.
    • Also subverted by the circumstances of his retirement at the end of the series: when he takes romantic interest in a beautiful woman who is a successful real-estate agent, and she offers him work helping her with sales, Medavoy seems set up for another disappointment. However, everything turns out absolutely perfect this time around, and Medavoy can retire a happy man.
  • By-the-Book Cop:
    • Lt. Thomas Bale, who takes over command of the squad in the first episode of season 12, has been transferred from Internal Affairs with orders to bring what some superiors apparently perceive as a Cowboy Cop precinct into line. He insists that all official procedures be followed to the letter, even when the detectives (especially Sipowicz) don't think this is the optimal course of action.
    • John Clarke, Sr., is one as well. He adamantly believes in never beating suspects and always reading them Miranda. He's not wild about his son working with Sipowicz because he knows Sipowicz is not a by-the-book cop and doesn't want his son learning the wrong lessons.
  • Captain Obvious: Medavoy, who sometimes gets snide comments from Sipowicz for stating what Sipowicz thinks is the obvious.
  • Characterization Marches On: It can be a little strange, after watching the later seasons, to look back at season one and behold a Sipowicz who frequents prostitutes and strip joints. He even smiles, which later on seems to nearly break his face.
  • Cheated Death, Died Anyway: Inverted in a post-9/11 episode. A woman's body is found buried in concrete. It turns out she worked at the World Trade Center and was missing/presumed dead from that, but she was actually killed by her lover earlier that day.
  • Chilly Reception
    • When Simone replaces Kelly, Sipowicz gives him an extremely cold reception. This was intentionally engineered by the writers — they figured that if Sipowicz took an immediate, irrational dislike to Simone, it would leave the audience saying "Come on, Andy, give the guy a chance." It worked.
    • And when Simone in turn is replaced by Sorenson, Russel's initial reaction to him is outright hostile. Justified since Russel is in grief over Simone's death, and Sorenson is a bit less than diplomatic his first day on the job. Their relationship improves considerably with time.
    • After serving under Lt. Fancy for over seven years, Sipowicz is extremely suspicious of Lt. Rodriguez, interpreting everything he says or does in the worst possible light and even taking an irrational dislike of his non-regulation beard. After Sipowicz confronts Rodriguez about interfering with his interrogation, and Rodriguez backs off and agrees to let him do things his way, Sipowicz starts warming up to him.
  • Chuck Cunningham Syndrome:
    • Most of the other detectives in the squad, mostly Ghost Extras with an occasional line or two, disappear once the main cast of detectives gets fleshed out to more than just Sipowicz and Kelly. Medavoy gets Promoted to Opening Titles but the rest are dropped.
    • Andy adopts a murder victim's dog, which appears one or two more times before disappearing without explanation by the time he moves in with Sylvia.
    • Detective Lesniak just stopped appearing after season 3, with no explanation given (although her tumultuous relationship with Martinez can be assumed to have played a part).
    • The same thing happens with Detective Kelly Ronson, who replaces McDowell when she goes on maternity leave towards the end of season 11. In the first episode of season 12 she is not there anymore and no mention is ever made of her leaving the precinct.
  • Clothing Damage: Connie McDowell gets her shirt almost completely torn off during a struggle to arrest a criminal, showing off her black bra.
  • Cops Need the Vigilante: In one episode a civilian comes to the cops with evidence that another man is an active pedophile. They met while in an "ageplay" online group and the civilian pretended to be a little girl interested in sex. To get the other guy hot, our civilian sent him some child porn. The cops tell the civilian that not only was that planting evidence, he just confessed to the cops that he had child porn to send to someone else.
  • Creepy Crossdresser: In the season 11 episode "Andy Appleseed", the detectives go to the apartment of a murdered woman because they think the suspected murderer may be there. They find him in her closet, trying on her bras and panties.
  • Crime and Punishment Series: As a Police Procedural with a good mixture of relationship drama it fits into the genre.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Det. Sipowicz — when he's in a good mood.
  • Dead Person Conversation: In one season 12 episode, Sipowicz is experiencing a crisis after being forcefully reminded of his mortality (in the previous episode, he's shot in the shoulder, and then he narrowly escapes being shot by a perp whose gun misfires). In his agitated state he first thinks he sees his late ex-partner Simone lying in a hospital bed that then turns out to be empty; a bit later Simone again appears to Sipowitz, and now carries out a whole conversation, talking about life and death and encouraging him to be a father figure to his new partner.
  • Deus Angst Machina: Sipowicz has had a dead wife, a dead son, two dead partners (and a third resigning in disgrace), and TWO cancer scares (his own and his youngest son's).
  • Diplomatic Impunity: A particularly egregious case of legal inaccuracy occured in the series final (s 12 ep 20), when a Japanese diplomat is bribed to sign a statement where he admits to the murder of a call girl, and then leaves the country. This admission is taken at face value by the FBI and the top brass of the NYPD (but not by Sipowicz). Even though the police officials have reasons to be happy to close the case, nobody even has a thought of requesting the help from the Japanese authorities to remove his diplomatic immunity, or even have him interrogated by Japanese police, and it is quietly assumed that the self-confessed murderer will face no investigation when returning home.
  • Dirty Cop: Harry Denby, who is first seen as the detective investigating Jill Kirkendall's ex-husband for drug-running. He comes across as a Jerkass with a drinking problem who comes on to Russell and tries to use her loyalty to Kirkendall as leverage. Later he is discovered actually to be working with the criminals he is investigating. After he is suspended and waiting for indictment he tries to take over the drug operation himself. Like all his endeavours, it fails tragically. He more or less forces Jill to shoot him.
  • Dirty Harriet:
    • In the sixth-season epsiode Mister Roberts, Jill Kirkendall goes undercover as a call girl to get evidence against a suspected murderer. The operation is pictured as unusual and highly dangerous.
    • McDowell impersonates a prostitute in order to get past a drug dealer's henchmen and into his apartment. This is not a real undercover operation, since as soon as she is inside, the other detectives burst in and make the arrest. Doubly played for Fanservice: not only is she wearing quite revealing clothes, but her shirt gets ripped off during the fight that follows.
    • Discussed by Det. Rita Ortiz in the ninth season: one of the reasons she transferred from Vice into the squad is that she was tired of the clothes she had to wear while undercover. We later learn that her jealous husband was very frustrated about this.
    • In the season 10 premiere, McDowell and Ortiz pretend to be prostitutes to get into a heavily guarded drug stash house. They drop the pretense as soon as the guard has opened the door.
  • Dislikes the New Guy: When Bobby Simone joins the squad his new partner Andy Sipowicz dislikes him as of his first line. This is specifically done to make the audience sympathetic to Simone, who replaces the very popular John Kelly. Andy warms up to Simone eventually, even having him be the best man at his wedding.
  • Dropped a Bridge on Him: Det. Sorenson is murdered off-screen by his stripper girlfriend's ex.
  • Early Installment Weirdness: Season 1 is more serialized with heavier focus on the characters' personal lives compared to the police work before the second season comes and the show transitions to more of a Police Procedural where half of the show was more about the weekly case while the other half focused on their character's lives. The first season also features more car chases and action sequences before settling down into its own style.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: Whilst the final episode makes it very clear that life and work will go on as usual for Andy Sipowicz, he is not only far better off at the end than he was at the beginning (both professionally and in his personal life), but also a better person.
  • Fair Cop:
    • All the female detectives on the squad are very good-looking and often wear tight clothes. Most of them have at least one scene in the nude or in their underwear.
    • Most other female cops are as well, such as Mary Franco (who was dating Sorenson in season 7).
    • Baldwin Jones is the main male example (though Sipowicz's partners were generally good-looking, too). He is also very tall, athletic and well-toned. He has many shirtless scenes to show off his abs.
    • Sometimes used to their advantage by the detectives: many male suspects will lower their guards when talking to a good-looking woman, and Baldwin Jones has the same effect on most female suspects and witnesses (sometimes he is too successful when a female witness gets so Distracted by the Sexy that they can't concentrate on their statement).
  • Fake American: In-Universe. Naomi, one of the PAAs that pass through during the run, is an Australian who fakes a South Carolina accent in order to pass as American. It's been her dream to be a police officer in New York since she was a little girl living in Australia.
  • Fan Disservice: The nudity and sex is frequently a double-edged sword, especially in the early seasons where it seems to be used for shock value. The later seasons tone down the nudity and tend to use it more for straight Fanservice than for disservice.
  • Fanservice: The show often pushed the boundaries of how much skin (or sexuality) you could show on network TV. We see most of the main characters in underwear or completely nude.
  • Fanservice Extra: A number of them, considering the detectives frequently go into strip clubs, brothels, etc. during their investigations. Notable is Andy Jr's Gold Digger fiancee, who is having sex with another man when Andy Sr. barges into the room.
  • Feedback Rule: At Sipowicz's bachelor party, held at a bar with a Karaoke machine, when Maritnez steps up to the mic there's feedback as he says "Is This Thing On?" (even though someone else just got done singing) before launching an off-key rendition of "My Way."
  • Following in Relative's Footsteps:
    • At the start of the series Andy is estranged from his son Andy Jr., but after Andy cleans himself up they become close, and Andy Jr. eventually decides to join the police force following his father's footsteps. This doesn't work out so well for Jr. since he gets killed trying to stop a couple of robbers as they were attacking a waitress.
    • Andy's final partner John Clark is actually John Clark Jr., his father being a NYPD detective who has had bad blood with Andy in the past.
  • Gangsta Style: Simone holds his gun this way in "We Was Robbed" when he and Sipowicz, discovered in the act of planting a bug in a mobsters' hangout, decide to pretend to be burglars.
  • Gayngster: Jimmy Del Marco in "A Tushful of Dollars."
  • Geodesic Cast: Andy and his current partner, Medavoy and his, often a third female duo.
  • The Ghost: After Connie takes maternity leave to have her baby she, her son with Andy, and her adopted daughter are never seen again but are referred to several times since Andy is still married to her. She calls in to the squad once in a while, or Andy will call home, but we only hear Andy's half of the conversations.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Rita Ortiz's husband is jealous to the point of paranoia, even asking Lt. Rodriguez to keep an eye on her (which Rodriguez refuses to do).
  • Iconic Outfit: Sipowicz's famous short-sleeved shirt and tie combo.
  • The "I Love You" Stigma: A heartbreaking example when Mary Franco says "I love you" to Danny, only for him to pause before responding "Thanks." She holds herself together until he leaves the room, then breaks down crying at the knowledge that he doesn't love her back.
  • Inappropriately Close Comrades: One Victim of the Week is a Marine Corps recruiter who is having an affair with his married partner. Though she's married to a recently retired General.
  • In Medias Res: The series is famous for having No Ending, but it doesn't really have a beginning either. The first episode opens during the trial of a mobster that Sipowicz has been dealing with for some time, and he and Kelly are established partners, unlike his future co-stars.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold:
    • Sipowicz. He can be very abrasive even to people he respects and likes, but he is a loyal friend and willing to help people in need.
    • ADA Leo Cohen is presented as perhaps an even bigger Jerkass than Sipowicz, and seems to constantly look for opportunities to show how much smarter than the detectives he is. But there are occasional glimpses of his honesty and integrity, he does care about justice as much as anyone else, and his behaviour seems to be caused more by poor social skills than real meanness. He also displays his softer side when he starts dating Det. Kirkendall; unfortunately for him, his social skills aren't enough to make the relationship last.
  • Job Title: The PD in the title of this show about cops stands for Police Department.
  • Jurisdiction Friction: Any time the FBI shows up, expect Sipowicz to hate them. He seems to have good reason, as they are generally portrayed as useless at handling street crime, but good at taking the credit for solved cases.
    • The one exception was with Mike Francis (Mark Blum) in "We Was Robbed." He's initially friendly and cooperative on Sipowizc's and Simone's murder investigation, then becomes a nervous wreck as the investigation takes some odd turns, then finally, after everything turns out okay, tells them he'd be happy to work with them again.
  • Kiss of Death: In "Cold Heaters," Simone's childhood friend, Ray DiSalvo, contacts him from prison with information on a murder, hoping to get an early release. (He was in jail because he refused to heed a warning from Simone in an earlier episode.) The information pans out, but Simone later learns that DiSalvo had, in a previous attempt to commute his sentence, tried to sell a misdeed of Simone's to Internal Affairs. Simone finally realizes what kind of man DiSalvo really is. At their last meeting, he pulls DiSalvo into a fiercely emotional hug, tells him that when he gets out, he doesn't want to see him ever again, and then walks out, leaving DiSalvo in tears.
  • Last Episode, New Character: The series finale introduces a new pair of detectives, Ray Quinn and Joe Slova, who get assigned to the squad in order to fill the void left by Medavoy retiring and Sipowicz being made squad commander.
  • Lingerie Scene:
    • More or less the entire female cast has one or more of these, sometimes leading up to a sex scene, sometimes as a result of Clothing Damage.
    • A rather gratuitous example: in one of Det. Connie McDowell's first episodes, she is investigating a crime at a bar when a patron spills a drink over her. Of course she immediately has to go to the rest room, take off her shirt, and wash it in the sink. The scene itself is important to the plot as it leads to her discovering important evidence; the shots of her in her lacy black bra are less so.
    • In a later episode, McDowell gets a brief one when her top gets almost completely torn off during a struggle to arrest some criminals.
  • Literally Laughable Question: In "NYPD Lou", Alphonse Giardella hits on the female D.A. who is assigned to his case. She tries to be polite about it, but excuses herself to go to the bathroom, where she breaks up laughing over the whole thing. Giardella's enemies take this moment to kill him.
  • Long Bus Trip:
    • Though it is never followed up, David Caruso's departure from the series is certainly open-ended enough that for a couple of seasons afterwards it wouldn't have been unexpected to have seen Detective Kelly walk right back through those doors.
    • Particularly strange in-story is his complete non-appearance at Sipowicz's wedding. Apparently the writing staff were tempted to put John Kelly on a bus to hell following the way Caruso had treated them, as a Take That! to the actor. But ultimately they felt that whatever problems they had to deal with as far as the actor was concerned, the character of Detective John Kelly deserved more respect than that, so they allowed him to have a dignified departure with no repercussions.
  • Lying to the Perp: A technique often used by the detectives when interviewing suspects.
  • Media Watchdog: one of their go-to targets.
  • The Mob Boss Is Scarier: Police Procedural shows like this one utilize this trope a lot when dealing with organized crime. Russian mobsters are portrayed as being especially intimidating, with a willingness to wipe out employees, witnesses, and families of same.
  • Near-Rape Experience: When Diane goes undercover to investigate violent psychopath Jimmy Liery, he slips a pill into her drink. She gets dizzy and he carries her out of the bar, after which she wakes up naked in bed with him with no memory of how she got there. When she confronts him (armed), he admits he drugged her with the intention of raping her, but he couldn't go through with the latter part.
  • Noble Bigot with a Badge: Sipowicz, though this is toned down in the later seasons. This is shown as character development: he comes to realize that his dislike of African-Americans is based on a traumatic incident in his past and manages to re-direct his anger at the actual bad guy rather than into general racism.
  • No Ending: Done deliberately. Though Medavoy ends his police career on a happy note by moving on to a new job and a new relationship, and Sipowicz gets promoted to command the squad, the last episode ends just as any other episode. It is obvious that life in the precinct will continue just as usual the next morning.
  • Not Even Bothering with the Accent: Dennis Franz's Chicago accent coming from Brooklyn boy Sipowicz.
  • Not in Front of the Parrot: Sgt. Gibson's obnoxious parrot. (Made more obnoxious by Andy secretly training it to say nothing but "douchebag")
  • Obstructive Bureaucrat: Captain Haverhill in the first two seasons, who constantly tries to undermine Lt. Fancy and his squad seemingly out of spite or personal enjoyment. It gets to the point where, after he tries to humiliate Fancy by feeding him a false tip about an arms deal, Fancy decides to blackmail him into retiring.
  • Off the Wagon: This happens twice to Sipowicz. Russel also has an episode. Both times they get back on the wagon, with some help from friends and colleagues.
  • Older Than They Look: The character Anthony in "Lucky Luciano," played by Mario Bosco, looked like a teenager but was actually twenty-seven. (Bosco has pan-hypopituitarism, limiting his growth.)
  • One Steve Limit: Averted.
    • Two of Andy's four partners in the show share the first name "John" (Detectives Kelly and Clark, Jr.), as does the eventual police administrative aide John Irvin. Downplayed somewhat in that Kelly left the precinct before the other two arrived and both detective characters are often referred to by their surnames.
    • Two main characters have the first name "Laura" - A.D.A. Laura Michaels Kelly (present only in the first season) and Detective Laura Murphy (the last main character introduced in the show who appears solely in the final season).
  • Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping: In-Universe with civilian aide Naomi Reynolds, who claims to be from South Carolina but is actually Australian (as is her actress, Gabrielle Fitzpatrick). When she's upset her natural accent slips through, which is how she gets found out.
  • Pet Homosexual: John, the Camp Gay civilian aide, may seem like this in the beginning, but this turns into a subversion in that he is portrayed quite respectfully and seriously. Initially he has some difficulty being accepted by some of the detectives, most notably Sipowicz, but ends up being a good friend of everybody in the squad.
  • The Place: The NY in the title stands for New York.
  • Plausible Deniability: In a couple of episodes (such as "Lucky Luciano"), killers were maneuvered into their crimes by others, but the others managed to avoid responsibility by not actually, technically, conspiring with them. The detectives even tried to get them to lie, knowing that the other parties had moral responsibility, but it didn't work.
  • Playing Gertrude: Luis Guzman appears as Martinez' father. Guzman is barely six years older than Nicholas Turturro.
  • Pointy-Haired Boss: Blatantly unqualified Sgt. Gibson, though it is made clear that his appointment is a stop-gap measure, due to a shortage of qualified lieutenants. And perhaps his being golf buddies with the Chief of Detectives played a small part in it as well.
  • Police Brutality:
    • There's rarely an episode that passes without a suspect getting "tuned up". Sometimes it's as minor as a slap upside the head. Sometimes it gets pretty bad (and the suspect gets off because of it), especially early in the series.
    • Even when he doesn't actually use physical force, Sipowicz often threaten suspects with violence to intimidate them.
    • Sorenson is suspended after beating up a murder suspect during interrogation, making his confession inadmissible in court.
  • Pop-Cultural Osmosis Failure: Sipowicz and Sorenson run into this several times. In one episode Danny references Dr. Evil; Andy's response makes it clear that he thinks that Danny is talking about Evel Knievel. Another time Danny didn't know who Norman Bates was. Another time, Andy, making a comparison to good-looking men, fruitlessly runs through Tyrone Power, William Holden, and Randolph Scott before giving up.
  • Previously on…: Often used not so much to recapitulate the previous episode, but to refresh the viewer's memory of what happened several months ago. Played more straight in the later seasons.
  • Primal Scene: Non-sex example; when Connie and Andy move in together, this happens to her and Theo, who walks in to the bathroom just as she's dropped her robe to get in the shower. They both freeze for several moments before Connie tries to cover her nudity with her hands and Theo quickly exits the room with an embarrassed "Sorry!" Poked fun at when Connie later asks Andy if he got Theo to school.

    Andy: Took him to "Hooters" instead. He insisted.

  • Promotion to Opening Titles: Several of the eventual members of the main cast started out as recurring characters who would get bumped up during a succeeding episode or season. These included Sharon Lawrence, Gordon Clapp, Gail O'Grady, Bill Brochtrup, Kim Delaney, Justine Miceli, Andrea Thompson, John F. O'Donohue, Garcelle Beauvais, Charlotte Ross, and Esai Morales.
    • Of the lot, Morales took the shortest amount of time, as he was introduced the episode before he was added. Brochtrup and O'Donohue took the longest, with the former debuting late in Season 2 and not being put in the main titles until the middle of Season 6 while the latter first popped up in early Season 7 and wasn't added until the middle of Season 11.
  • Psycho Lesbian: Medavoy has a lesbian friend on the force, Abby Sullivan, and donates sperm so she and her girlfriend Kathy can conceive. In "Three Girls and a Baby," Abby's ex-girlfriend kills Kathy so she and Abby can get back together. Abby has no intention of doing so, and the ex-girlfriend is obviously insane. Abby does, however, tell Medavoy that she can understand the loneliness her ex felt, having gone through it herself (the implication being that trying to make a life as a homosexual can be challenging due to societal rejection, and it's hard to predict the effect that can have on a person).
  • Pun-Based Title: Most of the individual episodes, like "Curt Russell" and "Hollie and the Blowfish."
  • Rabid Cop: Sipowicz. He learns to control his aggressiveness over the course of the series, but woe those suspects who talk back at him.
  • Rape as Backstory:
    • Sylvia, though it's not really an ongoing trauma.
    • Diane's undercover operation with Jimmy Liery (see above) sends her into a serious mental tailspin, causing her to finally confront the fact that her father molested her when she was twelve.
  • Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil: When Detective Martinez's girlfriend is raped, the squad find a street thug who she can identify as the assailant. She doesn't want to go through a trial, though. Sipowicz is given free reign to beat a confession out of him so that a guilty plea will be entered without publicity.
  • Real Stitches for Fake Snitches: When gunrunner Jimmy Liery gets into Russell's head while she's working an undercover detail on him, Sipowicz and Simone get rid of him by planting a rumor that he's cooperating with the police.
  • Recovered Addict: Andy Sipowicz, who as of the first episode is a rude, racist alcoholic and borderline drug addict. Early in the first season he stops drinking, but later falls off the wagon. After he joins AA he remains sober - even going so far as to initially refuse pain medication during a surgery - and generally becomes a much nicer person. He even helps a few others stop drinking.
  • Redemption Equals Death: Disgraced former detective Mike Roberts not only turns down a contract from a millionaire with a grudge who wants P.A.A. John Irvin beaten and killed, but goes out of his way to warn John. Roberts is later thrown out of his office window to his death.
  • Revolvers Are Just Better: Sipowicz carries his Smith & Wesson Model 36 throughout the series, befitting an old-school detective. Zig-zagged for Medavoy, who switches to the semi-auto Glock after he fumbles reloading and blames himself for letting the perps who shot James Martinez get away.
  • Ripped from the Headlines: The main plot of "Roll Out The Barrel" is based on the murder of Reyna Angelica Marroquin, a crime discovered a few months before the episode aired.
  • Safe Harbor: One of the few shows on network TV to exploit this.
  • The Scottish Trope: In "Cold Heaters," an actor in the station house runs into John, who remembers seeing him as Banquo in "the Scottish play."
  • Scunthorpe Problem: Watching the show with closed captioning on will of course result in xxxx (shit) and xxxxxxx (asshole), but also things like xxxxxy (spooky), xxxxy (spicy), dexxxxxable (despicable), etc.
  • Seinfeldian Conversation: In "The Truth Is Out There," Andy and Bobby repeatedly discuss the meaning of the nursery rhyme "Pop Goes the Weasel" after Andy mentions singing it to his son and suddenly worrying about what his son might learn from it. Neither of them can figure out what's meant by "pop." They mention it to several other people throughout the episode and no one can give them an answer. (And, indeed, nobody really knows.)
  • Seven Dirty Words: Used four or five of them regularly.
  • Sexy Secretary (though they're actually civilian aides, performing clerical and secretarial duties in the squad):
    • Sweater Girl Donna.
    • Dolores, who has a second job as a stripper.
    • Subverted by Geri, who is personally sex-positive but who is a) heavier than conventionally attractive women and b) a rubber fetishist.
  • Shout-Out: The third season premiere is titled "ER", which (a) was beginning its second season at the time, (b) the show had just surprisingly beaten for the Best Drama Emmy, and (c) Sherry Stringfield (Laura Kelly) had left the show for a starring role on (Dr. Susan Lewis).
  • Show Within a Show: In one episode the Victim of the Week, private investigator Mike Roberts, has written a bad novel called The Cases of Mike Robertini, and we see a few scenes acted out.
  • Sweater Girl:
    • Donna's and Adrienne's usual look, with tight sweaters and push-up bras.
    • Connie, Dianne and Rita also often wear tight sweaters, though Dianne's tops are usually sleeveless, and Connie and Rita alternate with different outfits.
  • Tamer and Chaster: The series started as a very Grim and Gritty Police Procedural with nudity and swearing on broadcast TV. After the first year the nudity was toned down and eventually disappeared, and the swearing likewise dwindled during the course of the show, so that by the end of the run a viewer would be hard pressed to find anything out of the ordinary about it.
  • Team Title: The PD in the title stands for Police Department. One of the show's premise is about the titular cops' dynamics.
  • Tricked Into Escaping: The cops have made an illegal arrest but they don't want to tell the arrestee that. So Sipowicz goes into the holding area where the perp is locked in a cage, opens it up to talk to him, then starts acting like a crazy bad cop and complaining about the heat. He opens the window along with the locked fence covering the window (ostensibly to get some air circulation), continues to yell at the perp, and then stalks out "forgetting" to close the window or locking him up again. The perp takes the opportunity to escape out the window, which is what they wanted him to do in order to get him out of the station!
  • Ugly Guy, Hot Wife:
    • Sipowicz. Twice, with Sylvia and Connie. His first wife (ex-wife already when the series starts), while not bad-looking, looks more like you'd expect the wife of a middle-aged detective to look like. Not only are both Sylvia and Connie quite good-looking, but they are also considerably younger than Sipowicz.
    • Greg's relationship with Donna is the beginning of this, though they break up before marriage is discussed.
  • Wedding-Enhanced Fertility: Connie gets pregnant shortly after she and Andy get married, when they're already taking care of an infant (her murdered sister's daughter that they adopted). Even more of a shock because, as noted under But I Can't Be Pregnant!, Connie believed that complications from her teen pregnancy (she gave the baby up for adoption) meant she literally couldn't have any more kids of her own, with the implication that because of this, she and Andy weren't bothering to use contraception.
  • Whip Pan: Used very frequently, to the extent that this, together with the use of shaky shots that looked like the camera was hand-held, became the trademark of the show.


Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Series/NYPDBlue

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