Jaime Javier Rodriguez Notes That Popular Art Forms Ofen Conceal a Daunting Complexity

He was never (i)_____; he was nothing if non (ii)_____, then he forbore for the nowadays to declare his passion.


  1. Someone needs to import a number of sets of bottles. Each bottle charges $12.04, and it besides charges $4.8 for shipping each set (not single bottle just a whole set up). The standard departure of numbers of bottles in each set is 1.five. What is the standard deviation of the prices for each set?

two. 一伙人家長和孩子去買門票和吃的,家長是20塊錢一張票,小孩兒是十塊錢一張票。然後家長和孩子的數量好像是相等的。一共花了420塊錢。然後好像說是人均吃的和票花的是21塊錢。問孩子和家長的買吃的錢是多少

iii. 數字1575有多少個positive factors4. 7的22次方被5除的餘數和4做比較

5. 四個數,均值30,最小值28。求可能得最大值數的多少

6. If n is a integer, then what is the least possible value of 3?+3·3﹣?

A. 1

B. 2

C. iii

D. 10/three

E. iv

7. 一個繩子紅色是截六段,然後藍色是五段,一共繩子長度應該是30,然後問兩個節的紅和藍色之間最短的距離是多少?

8. 有四個數字2,3,four,5,從中挑兩個不同的數組成兩位數,求問所有可以組成的兩位數中是質數的個數。【答案備選: 3,iv,five,six,vii】

9. 給了一個表格的數字,都在20-40左右。問下面哪個選項讓標準方差減少得最多。

A. 所有數字減20

B. 所有數字減10

C. 所有數字除以2

D. 所有數字乘以0.1

E. 所有數字變成原來的80%

ten. 一個袋子裡面有黑球和紅球,其中裡面有more than one red balls and 5 times as many black balls as red balls. 從裡面不放回的抽取五個球。問抽的球裡面紅球的個數 和 5 比大小

11. 一個數是7^n,其個位數是9,問n可能是一下那些數【備選答案101,102,103,104,105,106,108】

12. 調查了5500人一年每人讀書的數量,其中with mean 等於19本,standard deviation 等於2. 問讀書最多的880個人每年讀多少書?【單選題, 21 or more books】

13. 一個數在44-53之間(inclusive),這個數除以3餘2,除以4餘1,問這個數是多少

fourteen. n is an odd positive integers , n·(two^m)=160, 問n和m的大小


passage 11

Earlier feminist literary criticism emerged in the 1970s, the nineteenth-century United States writer Fanny Fern was regarded past almost critics (when considered at all) as a prototype of weepy sentimentalism—a pious, insipid icon of conventional American culture. Feminist reclamations of Fern, past dissimilarity, emphasize her nonsentimental qualities, peculiarly her sharply humorous social criticism. Most feminist scholars observe information technology difficult to reconcile Fern』south sardonic social critiques with her effusive celebrations of many conventional values. Attempting to resolve this contradiction, Harris concludes that Fern employed flowery rhetoric strategically to disguise her subversive goals beneath apparent conventionality. However, Tompkins proposes an culling view of sentimentality itself, suggesting that sentimental writing could serve radical, rather than simply bourgeois ends past swaying readers emotionally, moving them to embrace social change.

Consider each of the choices separately and select all that employ.


The passage suggests which of the following nearly the contradiction mentioned in the highlighted sentence?

A. It was non by and large addressed by critics before the 1970s.

B. Information technology is apparent in only a small number of Ferns writings.

C. Information technology has troubled many feminist critics who study Fern.


It can be inferred from the passage that Tompkins would exist most likely to agree with which of the post-obit about the critics mentioned in the passage?

A. They accurately narrate the overall result Fern is aiming to achieve.

B. They are not as dismissive of Fern as some feminist critics take suggested.

C. They exaggerate the extent to which Fern intended her writing to serve a social purpose.

D.They wrongly assume that sentimental must be a debasing term.East. They fail to recognize the role that sentimental rhetoric plays to reader』s emotions.

passage 33

A primary value in early twentieth-century Modernist architectural theory was that of 「truth to materials」, that is, it was essential that a building』south pattern limited the 「natural」 character of the building materials. This emphasis would take puzzled the architects of the Italian Renaissance (sixteenth century), a period widely regarded equally the apex of architectural achievement, for Renaissance architects』 designs were determined only minimally by the materials employed. The diversity of Italy』due south natural resource provided Renaissance architects with a wide variety of building materials. The builders of the Pitti Palace (1558-1570) used corking blocks of Tuscan rock, merely as Etruscans living in the aforementioned part of Italia had washed some twenty centuries earlier. Had the Florentine Renaissance builders aped the Etruscan way, it might exist said that their materials determined their style, since Etruscan style matched the massive, stark, solid character of the stone. Simply these aforementioned materials, which so suited the massive Etruscan manner, were effectively used by the Florentine Renaissance to create the virtually delicate and graceful of styles.

A similar case of identical materials used in contrasting styles characterizes the treatment of Roman travertine marble. When Baroque architects of seventeenth-century Rome desired a massive and solid monumental effect, they turned to travertine marble, whose 「natural event」 is, indeed, that of spacious breadth and lofty, smoothly rounded surfaces. Yet during the Renaissance, this same material had been used confronting its 「nature,」 in the Florentine tradition of sharply carved detail. Italian Renaissance architecture was shaped less by the 「nature」 of the materials at paw than past the artistic milieu of Renaissance Italy, which included painting and sculpture likewise as architecture. While Roman travertine marble may have lent itself to fine carving, the Florentine passion for fine detail is no less marked in Florentine Renaissance painting than in Florentine Renaissance compages. Similarly, in the next century, the emphasis on shading and corporeal density in Bizarre painting mirrored the utilise of Roman travertine marble in Baroque compages to create wide shadow and powerful masses.

The ingenuity of Renaissance architects extended beyond merely using a material in a way not suggested by its outward natural advent. If they conceived a blueprint that called for a certain textile either too expensive or difficult to work with, they made no scruple near imitating that material. Their marbles and their stones are often actually painted stucco. When the blocks of masonry with which they built were not in scale with the projected scheme, the real joints were concealed and faux ones introduced. Nor were these practices confined, equally some scholars insist, to the later and supposedly corrupt phases of the art. Material, then, was utterly subservient to style.


The passage is primarily concerned with

A. explaining the differences in quality amidst different kinds of building materials

B. discussing the differences among Etruscan, Florentine Renaissance, and Roman Baroque architecture

C. describing how unlike materials influenced architecture in different cities

D. describing the fashion in which Renaissance architects often resorted to bogus materials and illusionistic effectsE. demonstrating the attitude of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Italian architects toward the use of edifice materials


It tin can be inferred from the passage that the author believes that which of the following is truthful of painting and architecture of the Baroque era?

A. Both emphasize the 「natural」 employ of materials.

B. Both are derived from the Florentine Renaissance manner.

C. Both accept been overlooked by twentieth-century Modernists.

D. They take certain visual features in mutual.Eastward. They illustrate the degeneration of a mode.


The writer』south mention of Florentine Renaissance painting serves in the context of the passage to support which of the post-obit assertions?

A. The constraints that operate in architecture are dissimilar from those that operate in painting

B. Florentine architectural manner was not determined by the nature of the available marble.

C. The Florentine Renaissance period was a menstruum in which the other arts achieved the same distinction every bit did compages.

D. Technical advances in all of the arts of the Florentine Renaissance determined the stylistic qualities of those arts.

Due east. Native preferences of way practise non manifest themselves in the same means in unlike arts.


The passage suggests which of the post-obit about the cited 「scholars」?

A. They believe that a corrupt phase is characteristic of any significant artistic movement.

B. They reject the popular view of the Renaissance every bit the apex of architectural achievement.

C. They believe that a vigorous and salubrious compages would non usually use false surfaces or imitation edifice materials.

D. They correspond the mainstream in disquisitional and historical thought about the Florentine Renaissance.

E. They have focused on such technical matters as the price of edifice materials rather than on creative concerns.

passage 59

Contempo studies of ancient Maya water management take establish that the urban architecture of some cities was used to divert rainfall runoff into gravity-fed systems of interconnected reservoirs. In the central and southern May Lowlands, this kind of water command was necessary to back up large populations throughout the twelvemonth due to the scarcity of perennial surface h2o and the seasonal availability of rainfall. Some scholars argue that the concentration of water within the urban core of these sites provided a centralized source of political authority for Maya elites based largely on controlled water admission. Such an argument is plausible, nevertheless, information technology is less useful for understanding the sociopolitical implications of water employ and control in other, water-rich parts of the Maya region.


The author of the passage implies which of the post-obit about the political importance of the blazon of urban water direction system described in the passage?

A. Because the organization was centralized, it immune political control over a widely scattered population.

B. The knowledge required to design and maintain the organization became the pretext for Maya elites』 political authorisation.

C. By selectively limiting access to water, Maya elites used the system to curb challenges to their dominance

D. The system is non sufficient to explain the sources of centralized political power in all parts of the Maya region

E. The system』southward continued maintenance required political regime to exert control over an increasing proportion of economic resources.

Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.


According to the passage, which of the following is true of the h2o management systems in the central and southern Maya Lowlands?

A. They were implemented in function because of the prevailing pattern of rainfall.

B. They were an integral office of lowland cities』 architecture.

C. They were needed because of insufficient resources such every bit ponds, rivers and lakes in the lowlands.

passage 115

Although the rider pigeons, now extinct, were abundant in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century America, archaeological studies at twelfth-century Cahokian sites in the nowadays day Us examined household nutrient trash and establish that traces of passenger pigeon were quite rare. Given that the sites were shut to a huge passenger pigeon roost documented by John James Audubon in the nineteenth century and that Cahokians consumed near every other beast poly peptide source bachelor, the archaeologists conducting the studies ended the passenger pigeon population had in one case been very express earlier increasing dramatically in mail-Columbian America. Other archaeologists take criticized those conclusions on the grounds that passenger pigeon bones would not be probable to be preserved. But all the archaeological projects plant plenty of bird bones and even tiny basic from fish.


The author of the passage mentions 「tiny bones from fish」 primarily in order to

A. explain why traces of rider pigeon are rare at Cahokian sites

B. support a claim about the wide variety of creature proteins in the Cahokian nutrition

C. provide show that confirms a theory well-nigh the extinction of the passenger pigeon

D. cast doubt on the conclusion reached past the archaeologists who conducted the studies discussed in the passage

E. counter an objection to an estimation of the data obtained from Cahokian sites


Which of the post-obit, if true, would nigh call into question the reasoning of 「the archaeologists conducting the studies」?

A. Audubon was unable to correctly identify 12th-century Cahokian sites

B. Audubon made his observations before passenger pigeon populations began to decline.

C. Passenger pigeons would accept been attracted to household food trash

D. Archeologist accept found passenger pigeon remains among nutrient waste material at eighteenth-century homo settlements

East. Passenger pigeons tended not to roost at the same sites for very many generations

Passage 134

An influential early view held that ecosystems contain niches for a limited number of species and that competition for resources among species—whether native or nonnative invading ones—determines ecosystems』 species composition. Even so, factors other than competition often assistance explain invading species』 success. For example, the American grey squirrel, oftentimes cited as a archetype example of competitively superior invading species, was introduced in England in 1876 and at present thrives, while the native ruby-red squirrel population has declined. Although scientists accept found gray squirrels to be more efficient foragers than cherry-red ones, they also note that fifty-fifty before the grey squirrel』southward arrival, Britain』s red squirrel populations had a periodic tendency to die out, merely to be subsequently reintroduced. Furthermore, many gray squirrels are silent carriers of a illness fatal to blood-red squirrels.


Information technology can be inferred that the author of the passage mentions the efficiency with which gray squirrels provender primarily in gild to

A. identify a factor that explains a certain miracle

B. call attention to an inconsistency in a detail theory

C. advise that competition cannot be the gene responsible for a particular outcome

D. acknowledge a fact that appears to support a view that the writer intends to qualify

Eastward. cite evidence that is not consistent with an early influential view about species competition


It can be inferred that the author of the passage would be most probable to concord with which of the following statements near the 「early view?」

A. It reflects a mistaken supposition about the means past which nonnative species are introduced into ecosystems.

B. Its basic premise is shown to be valid by the effect of American grey squirrels on Britain』due south ruby-red squirrel population.

C. It presents a simplistic picture of the means by which species composition within ecosystems is determined.

D. It can finer explicate the formation of ecosystems that contain few species but cannot adequately account for the formation of circuitous ecosystems.

E. It understates the importance of competition as a cistron determining species limerick within ecosystems.

Passage 160

The Cracking Sphinx is a huge statue in Egypt that has a king of beasts』s torso with a man』s head. The face of the Sphinx has long been claimed to be that of pharaoh Khafre, who lived around 2600 B.C., but it cannot be: erosion patterns recently discovered on the lion』due south legs tin simply have been acquired by heavy rains, and the Sahara has not had heavy rains in over ten,000 years.


Which of the following, if true, almost seriously weakens the argument?

A. The face up of the Sphinx bears a resemblance to the faces on sure stylized statues dating from both earlier and after the reign of Khafre.

B. Other erosion patterns that appear on the body of the Sphinx are of a sort that could be caused by wind and sand alone

C. Other than the Sphinx, there are no surviving sculptures that accept been claimed to portray the confront of Khafre.

D. In the terminal x,000 years the climate of Egypt has been so dry that even rains that are not heavy accept been extremely infrequent.

E. The face up of the Sphinx is small relative to the rest of the head, indicating that the face may have been recarved long after the Sphinx was built.

Passage 215

W.East.B. Du Bois』 exhibit of African American history and culture at the 1900 Paris Exposition Universelle attracted the attention of a globe of sociological scholarship whose value his piece of work challenged. Du Bois believed that Spencerian sociologists failed in their attempts to gain greater understanding of human being deeds considering their work examined not deeds simply theories and because they gathered data not to affect social progress merely only to theorize. In his exhibit, Du Bois sought to present cultural artifacts that would shift the focus of sociology from the structure of vast generalizations to the observation of particular, living private elements of lodge and the working contributions of individual people to a vast performance social structure.


The passage implies that Du Bois attributed which of the following beliefs to Spencerian sociologists?

A. Theorizing is important to the understanding of human actions

B. Vast generalizations take limited value.

C. Data gathering is a relatively unimportant part of sociological research.

D. Folklore should focus on the living elements of gild rather than cultural artifacts.

E. Particulars are more important than universals.


For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.


The passage implies that Du Bois believed which of the post-obit statements about folklore? A. It should contribute to the betterment of society.B. It should study what people actually do.C. It should focus on how existing social structures make up one's mind private beliefs.


Passage 230

In the shallow stop of Lake Tomwa, at that place are remains of numerous Jeffery pine trees that grew there during a lengthy drought. Researchers had believed that this drought lasted at least 150 years, but carbon dating reveals that pines were growing in the lake bed for only 120 years, from 1200 until 1320. Since the Jeffrey pines, which cannot survive in water, must have died at the finish of the drought, the dating shows that the drought lasted less than 150 years.


The argument given relies on which of the following as an assumption?

A. No other species of tree started growing in the bed of Lake Tomwa after 1200.

B. No tree remains of whatever kind are nowadays at the bottom of deeper parts of Lake Tomwa.

C. At that place was at least 1 tree in the lake bed that was alive for the entire period from 1200 to 1320.

D. There has not been a more contempo drought that acquired a drying up of the shallow end of the lake.

Eastward. The shallow end of the lake had been dry for less than 30 years by the time Jeffrey pines started growing in the lake bed.


電梯 :2019年GRE考試1月4日GRE真題回顧





Source: https://www.getit01.com/p20190314155354517/

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